Hasbro The Game of Life

Hasbro The Game of Life
From Hasbro

Customer Reviews

Hasbro Life Board Game A+++++++++5
Another oldie but goodie! Very well made & great price! Perfect gift idea! Very fun! A++++++++++

One of the best games in my childhood and still is.4
This game is just suitable for all ages and great fun to be played with family and friends in a short sitting. Monopoly is fun, but it can take too long. The game of life has a definitive ending and you can judge the progress rather easily. So planning for dinner becomes simpler. Through playing this game, you can teach your kids about a lot of things in life, such as investments and decision making.


Hasbro The Game of Life5
Excellent classic, but with some new up to date changes. Fun family game, but the game takes awhile to play so young players can get bored.

Product Description

In this classic game of fortune, your goal is to dodge bad luck and make a buck. Along the way, you'll also earn valuable Life Tiles by doing good deeds, helping your community, or just taking a break from the rat race! Retire with the biggest fortune, and you'll win! Each space is a different adventure, so you'll get a whole new Life every time you play. What does Life have in store for you' Take a spin and find out! For 2 to 6 players. Game includes: game board, six plastic car pawns, plastic "people pegs", plastic mountains, spinner and bridge, MB money, 25 Life Tiles, deck of 36 cards, insurance policies, bank loans, label sheet and instruction sheet. Color of parts my vary.

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